Frequent Headaches - how chiropractors can help
Taken from the Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors
Nearly 90 per cent of women and about 70 per cent of men will get a tension headache during their lifetime, while 37 per cent of women and 21 per cent of men experience them regularly.
Most believe the only cure for a pounding headache is simply to just grin, bear it and let it pass. The good news is there are ways to both prevent and treat frequent headaches.
What causes a headache?
A headache is your body’s way of telling you something isn’t quite right. Most of the common causes of the milder variety of headaches stem from something you are either doing or not doing. These include;
missing meals
consuming excessive alcohol
excessive stress
not getting enough sleep
poor movement/dyfunction in the body
tight or tensioned muscles
In rare cases, headaches can be sparked by more serious problems. It’s important to rule any significant health issues out as early as possible, if your headaches are becoming a major problem.
How your chiropractor can help
Your chiropractor is an excellent source to deduce the cause of your frequent headaches. They will perform a thorough examination to determine where your symptoms are coming from.
On the flip side, they can also rule out dysfunction in the body and find out if your headaches are coming from your lifestyle choices (poor diet, alcohol consumption, not enough sleep, etc.).
If dysfunction is the culprit, your chiropractor may perform a simple spinal adjustment or soft tissue treatments to improve function and help alleviate your headache. Other treatment options are also available.