What do hockey players, gymnasts, skiers and cheerleaders have in common?
CONCUSSIONS & Chiropractors
· Concussion is a brain injury caused by a blow to the head, or to another body region resulting in a sudden jarring of the head and neck.
· You DO NOT have to get “knocked out” (lose consciousness) to get a concussion.
· Symptoms are not just physical, but can also affect the way you think, memory, and behavior.
· Usually results in rapid onset, short-lived neurological impairment that resolves in 7-10 days.
· X-rays, CT scans and MRIs rarely show any detectable injury.
What are the signs and symptoms of concussions?
**There is a wide range of signs and symptoms that may last only a short time (sometimes under 15 minutes). Young athletes can have a delayed onset of symptoms and some athletes have a brief period of symptoms that resolve and then return hours/days later.
Emotional changes
Trouble falling asleep
Sleeping more than usual
Balance disruption
Sleeping less than usual
Vacant stare
Inability to focus
Visual disturbances
Feeling as if “in fog”
Loss of consciousness
Delayed verbal and motor responses
Slurred/incoherent speech
Excessive drowsiness
Recovering from a concussion
· See a healthcare provider
· If the athlete has had head trauma, they do NOT return to play
· Initial management should include total REST for a period of 24 hours – absolutely no reading, watching TV, playing video games, using a cell phone, playing games, going to school or work, or physical activity
· Rest your mind and body
· Focus on improving sleep hygiene – avoid daytime naps
· Eat a balanced diet, increase consumption of OMEGA 3 fatty acids and vitamin D
· Meditation / relaxation / visualization exercises have shown improve recovery time
· The acute use of medication is to be avoided as it can mask the signs of worsening condition
· The use of NSAIDS (ibuprofen) should be avoided acutely in case of intracranial hemorrhage
· The athlete should not return to play until given clearance by their DC or MD. Returning to play too soon can increase the chance of “second impact” syndrome – causing a worsening of the symptoms and suffering a more serious brain injury