What is GLA:D Canada?
GLA:D® is an evidence-based program for treatment and management of osteoarthritic symptoms. GLA:D™ Canada is licensed to the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation. It is currently being implemented nationally by Bone and Joint Canada, a knowledge translation division of the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation.
Who is GLA:D Canada for?
The GLA:D program is for anyone experiencing stiff and/or sore knees and/or hips. It is also appropriate for individuals who wish to prevent stiff and/or sore knees and/or hips
How does it work?
One of the doctors will asses you to see if you are an appropriate participant for the program. Once approved, the program consists of 1 education session and 12 sessions that focus on neuromuscular exercise. Each session will teach you how to control movements, how to build muscular strength, and how to adapt to every day living.
Where can I do GLA:D?
Although GLA:D Canada is a national program, Island Chiropractic is the only location in Cape Breton to offer the program. Classes run on a regular basis and you can register at 902-270-7022.
For more questions call us at 902-270-7022 or visit the GLA:D Canada website at .