Facial Cupping: Natural rejuvenation, sinus pain relief, inflammation reduction and immune response.
Cupping therapy is one of the oldest healing methods practiced by ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Greeks. There are many types of cupping therapy and recently, practitioners and researchers have added more types to the practice of cupping. This traditional manual therapy uses several techniques and types of cups to create negative pressure which can:
Decompress, lift and stretch soft tissues including muscle, fascia, and connective tissue
This may help to release tension, reduce muscle stiffness and improve mobility
Cupping therapy tends to drain excess fluids, loosen adhesions and revitalize connective tissue, increase blood flow to skin and muscles, stimulate the peripheral nervous system, control high blood pressure and modulate the immune system. The negative pressure created increases circulation, bringing fresh, oxygen-rich blood to the area being treated.
Facial cupping
Cupping in relation to the face is a gentle gliding, using silicone cups and lotion, working along the cheeks from nasal area towards the ears, along the jaw, from jaw upwards to cheekbone and also the forehead working from brow upwards. This technique is used to decrease pain, remove toxins, activate the immune system and reduce inflammation. Facial cupping has also shown positive results in treating migraines, acne and even facial paralysis. By releasing fascial adhesions and reducing stagnant fluids along different facial muscles such as Levator Labii Superioris, Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi, Zygomaticus Minor and Occipitofrontalis facial cupping can greatly reduce pain during paranasal sinus inflammation(sinus headache/allergies/common cold). Also, the benefit of increased circulation and decreased inflammation leave an after effect of healthier, rejuvenated skin.
Several theories such as: Pain Gate Theory, Nitric Oxide Theory, Activation of Immune System Theory and Blood Detoxification Theory may be used to explain the many benefits and effects of cupping.
Susan MacDonald-RMT
To book facial cupping click HERE