Chemical Pollution inside the home
A recent study looked at the air quality of houses using products such as cleaning agents and candles with the lemon scent, limonene. The levels of VOCs (volatile organic chemicals) found within 6 houses in the U.K were examined. As expected, in houses where lemon scented products and candles were found, the limonene chemical levels were exponentially higher than other chemicals.
The problem occurs when limonene hits the air and mixes with other VOCs. For every two molecules of limonene released into the air, one molecule of formaldehyde is formed. Gaseous Formaldehyde levels as low as 0.1 ppm (parts per million) can cause some individuals to experience burning eyes, nose or throat, coughing, wheezing, nausea and skin irritation. The international agency for research on cancer has classified formaldehyde as a human carcinogen.
Besides avoiding lemon scented candles and cleaning products in the home, you can get some plants that help clean the air of all VOCS.
Some of the best plants to use in the home to clean the air include: spider ferns, lavender, guava, grub ferns, squirrel's foot ferns, Japenese royal ferns, snake plant, spider plant, money plant/devil's ivy, big leaf hydrangea and sword fern.
Read more about hormone alternating chemicals HERE!
Liu Y, My Y, Zhu Y, Ding H, Arens N. Which ornamental plant species effectively removes benzene from indoor air? Atmosphere Environment, Vol 41, Issue 3 2007.
Papinchak H, Holcomb E, Best T, Decoteau D, Effectiveness of houseplants in reducing the indoor air pollutant ozone. HortTechnology 2009.
Kruza M, Carslaw N, Lewis A. Investigating surface production reaction indoors using a detailed chemical model. Air pollution XXIII, 2015. WIT Press.