Does it hurt when you move? Have you been told that you have arthritis? Are you worried about getting osteoarthritis?

Decreased mobility can be one of the major causes of pain in the body. The brain will learn to be in pain, just like it learnt how to ride a bike or to play the piano. The way you move impacts the brain and can change how the brain perceives pain.

Dr. Jen Maher will lead a 6-week class that focuses on the improvement of range of motion, strength and endurance for those who are concerned about arthritis.

Your strength and mobility will determine if you age well. Movement is one of the most important investments you can make for your future.

Evening classes

6-week Exercise Against Arthritis $50 @ South End Community Centre

Tuesdays @ 6:00pm (March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16)

Preregistration @ 902-270-7022

55+ Exercise Classes

6-week programme focusing on Strength, Mobility, Endurance and Balance. $30 @ Our Lady of Fatima Church

Wednesdays 10:45am (March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, April 3rd, 10th)

Preregistration @902-270-7022

Chair Yoga

6-week programme $30 @ Our Lady of Fatima Church

Fridays @ 9:00am (March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, April 5th, 12th)

Preregistration @ 902-270-7022
