Online booking available — Island Chiropractic & Family Wellness Chiropractor, Massage Therapy, Yoga, Exercise Classes

Call 902-270-7022 or book directly online

Chiropractic treatment, Massage therapy, Acupuncture and Naturopathic medicine services available.

Clinic Update

Update May 27, 2020

Today we were given the green light to reopen on Friday June 5th. In anticipation of opening we have opened online booking for June 5th onwards.

When we do reopen, operations will look slightly different. In order to limit the amount of people crossing paths, all subsequent chiropractic visits will be reserved as extended visits and we will be only offering 30-minute or 60-minute massages. Please be advised that this may limit the amount of people we are able to serve, please be patient and when possible, book well in advance.

We are lucky, we have never been a “high volume” clinic, meaning that we only treat one person at a time, as opposed to having multiple people lying on tables in various rooms. We spend our treatments with one patient at a time, which means we don’t expect things to change that much around the office.

Our staff will be wearing masks in the office, while the wearing of masks is not yet mandatory, we do encourage you to wear one.

After booking each person will be asked screening questions and these questions will be repeated at appointment check-in. For those of you who book online, your screening questionnaire will be sent to you 2 days before your appointment, please take a quick 2 minutes to complete the questionnaire as it will be directly uploaded to your clinic file.

If you are early to your appointment, please wait in your vehicle until your scheduled time.

Each person that enters the office will be asked to remove their footwear and proceed directly to our hand washing station before their appointment. After treatment and transactions we will ask that you wash your hands again.

Island Chiropractic & Family Wellness is committed to the health and safety of our patients and team members. To reduce and respond to risks associated with the COVID-19 virus, we have put in place appropriate active and passive protocols per the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Nova Scotia Health Authority and the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors.

This includes, but is not limited to, increased vigilance on infection control practices, extra sanitization efforts, and additional screening precautions to actively identify anyone who may be at risk.

We will waive all last minute cancelation fees, for anyone who has had unprotected close contact with individuals who have a confirmed or presumptive diagnosis of COVID-19, or has travelled in the previous 14-days, or who is experiencing the following symptoms:

  • a fever,

  • a new or changed chronic cough,

  • a sore throat that is not related to a known or preexisting condition

  • a runny nose that is not related to a known or preexisting condition

  • Nasal congestion that is not related to a known or preexisting condition

  • Shortness of breath that is not related to a known or preexisting condition

Team members experiencing any of the above symptoms or exposed to somebody with the above symptoms will be unable to provide your treatment as they will be required to isolate.

Team members receive regular updates on the latest medical recommendations related to COVID-19.

We look forward to helping you restore some normalcy to your lives. The essence of chiropractic has always been to help people get their lives back, which seems more fitting now than ever.

Our goal at Island Chiropractic is to help you live your life!
