Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is the most common hormonal disorder in females of reproductive age worldwide and affects roughly 10% of this population. It can cause irregular menstrual cycles and symptoms of androgen excess, such as acne or hirsutism (excess hair growth that tends to be thick and coarse and found in areas such as the chin, stomach, thighs, or chest). A diagnosis of PCOS can take years and it is estimated that roughly 70% of cases are undiagnosed.

            There are many comorbidities (conditions that coexist alongside a primary diagnosis) associated with PCOS. These include hypertension, diabetes, depression, and anxiety to name a few. PCOS is also associated with infertility, as it can interfere with ovulation. This can be particularly devastating to hear for a woman of reproductive age who wishes to have children in the future. It is important to note though that many individuals with PCOS go on to have healthy pregnancies – and that being diagnosed with this condition does not mean that you are infertile.

            As a women’s health and hormone focused Naturopathic Doctor, I see a lot of patients with PCOS in my practice. Since elevated androgens (like testosterone for example) and high insulin are characteristic of this hormonal condition, these are the areas that I target in my treatments. If you have been diagnosed with PCOS and told by your doctor that the birth control pill and metformin are your only options, please know that there are so many natural and integrative options out there. Nutritional changes and certain supplements and herbs have been shown to safely and effectively reduce the symptoms of PCOS by lowering testosterone and insulin levels. Vitamin D can improve glucose metabolism and decrease blood testosterone levels in PCOS patients, and is one vitamin that I often recommend getting tested to dose properly since it is fat-soluble.

            If you are looking for an integrative medicine approach to your PCOS, or if you have some of the symptoms listed above and are wondering if you might have it, I would love to support you!

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