Balancing Blood Sugar Naturally

Last month I talked about a common that comes up with a lot of my clients (low stomach acid) you can read more about that here if you missed it!

This month, I wanted to focus on another popular topic that most people seem to struggle with, does any of this sound familiar to you …

  • Feeling “hangry“ when you miss meals

  • Anxiousness/nervous feelings are relieved by eating

  • You crave sugar, bread, or alcohol regularly

  • You have a hard time concentrating or staying on task

  • You have trouble sleeping through the night

  • Frequent headaches

  • Frequent “midnight snacking” - or any late-night eating

  • Dizzy or fainting spells throughout the day

If you are reading this and saying YES! to any of these, the issue may be that your blood sugar could be out of whack! Managing your blood sugar isn’t only something you need to focus on if you have diabetes. There are simple, natural ways to help balance it naturally which can lead to improved mood, increase your energy and enhance your metabolism.

When your blood sugar is balanced, you will feel energized, happy, productive and you will be sleeping well.

Below is a list of my top suggestions to balance blood sugar naturally if this is something you are struggling with.

  1. Avoid Foods That Cause a Major Spike in Your Blood Sugar

    Refined white sugar, white bread, pasta, or any food that is high on the glycemic index are foods that are going to have a negative impact on your blood sugar. Meaning it is going to make your blood sugar rise very quickly and then you will crash shortly after, leaving you craving more carbohydrate/sugary foods or that feeling where you are just not satisfied and leads you to want to eat more.

  2. Plan Your Meals

    When you take the time to plan your meals for the week that are made with good quality, fresh foods, you will be setting yourself up for a successful week of healthy eating, which will ultimately improve your mood and energy.

  3. Focus on Nutrient-Dense Foods

    Avoid processed foods. Fill your plate with fresh, colorful, whole foods that are minimally processed. Nutrient-dense foods work to lower your blood sugar and avoid spikes.

  4. Properly Balance Your Main Meals

    Protein, Fat & Fiber! When we consume healthy sources of carbohydrates (foods high in fiber) with plenty of good fat and protein, the glucose from the meal enters our blood slowly, which is what we want to help us feel full longer & avoid cravings.

  5. Eat Breakfast!!!

    It is the most important meal of the day for good reason. Make sure to eat breakfast with a source of complete protein, healthy fat, and some complex carbohydrates within one hour of waking. This provides your body with a source of fuel that will slow the release of glucose into your system.

  6. Make Sure You are Getting Enough Protein

    Speaking of complete protein…most people do not eat enough protein. Not only is it important for slowing the release of glucose, but it is also important for the growth and repair of muscle tissue.

  7. Do Not Be Afraid of Healthy Fats

    Consuming healthy fat is extremely important for balancing blood sugar. They will also slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream and provide more satiety for longer periods of time. Coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, nuts, and seeds are all good sources of healthy fat that you should be consuming each day.

If you feel you could benefit from adding in some of these tips but do not know where to start, I offer complimentary discovery calls where we will discuss your personal situation and determine if holistic nutrition is the right choice for you.

Article by - Allyson Lewis, RHN

For more holistic health info, follow me on Instagram @leafandrootwellness


None of the information provided on this website should be substituted for medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment from a licensed healthcare practitioner. We would be happy to discuss your situation with you one on one to determine what’s best for your situation.


“9 Warning Signs That Your Blood Sugar Levels Are Out of Control.” DailyHealthPost, 4 Aug. 2018,

“Glycemic Index Education Portal.” DiabetesCanadaWebsite,