A common reason for hip flexor pain/ injury is tension due to prolonged sitting. Your hip flexors are in a shortened position when your are in a seated posture, combine that with binge watching a new series and you are asking for issues. Hip flexors can be associated with low back pain, tightness/shortening of iliopsoas muscles and may cause hyper-lordosis of the lumbar spine.
Your hip flexors are a group of muscles near the top of your thigh/hip. Together, Iliopsoas, rec femoris, sartorius and tensor fasciae latae produce flexion of the hip joint. They also assist with spine stabilization. They allow you to walk, kick, run and climb.
Daily stretching of your hip flexors is important to help counterbalance the prolonged sitting/hip flexion.
Kneeling hip flexor stretch
- Kneel on right knee, with toenails facing down on floor (this the hip that will be stretched)
- Place left foot flat on the floor in front of you, knee bent 90° and aligned with ankle. (kneeling lunge position)
- Maintain good posture, keep your back upright
- Squeeze your glutes and drive hips forward until you feel tension in the front of your right hip/thigh (keep both hips squared to the front as you press them forward)
- Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on opposite side
- For an increase in stretch tilt your pelvis posterior "tuck tailbone"
Hip flexor stretch
Give this one a try!
RMT Raylyn Routledge
Prohealth: Quick reference evidence informed muscle manual
Prohealth: Quick reference evidence informed orthopedic conditions