massage therapy

Back pain in Kids

Back pain in Kids

It’s likely that you associate back pain with getting older, but you may be surprised to learn that it can be common in children and adolescents. The one year prevalence rate of low back pain (LBP) has been shown to be anywhere from 7% to 58%. In fact, the lifetime prevalence of LBP by age 20 has skyrocketed by a staggering 80% increase! As a result, we should pay careful attention to the habits and behaviours of the youth in our lives and find ways to provide them with relief if they are experiencing symptoms, as well as help them to prevent pain in the future.

What to expect during your first massage

What to expect during your first massage

If you’ve never had a massage before, you may be unsure what to expect. While you likely have some understanding as to its tremendous health benefits, you may still feel a bit apprehensive about booking your first appointment. To help set your mind at ease, let’s break it down.

Fascia, Fascia, Fascia

Fascia, Fascia, Fascia

Fascia, you may have never heard of it, but it is an absolutely integral network of thin connective tissue that holds your organs, blood vessels, bones, nerve fibres and muscles in place. Although it may appear as no more than a tightly woven cobweb, fascia plays an incredibly important role in the way you move and feel.spider



Many of us experience physical pain or discomfort at one time or another—whether it’s chronic or only occasional. Whatever the cause of your pain—be it muscle cramping, sports injury, menstrual pain or a strain from lifting and twisting—hydrotherapy can provide tremendous relief.

What is foam rolling

What is foam rolling

Foam rolling is a myofascial release technique that can be performed on your own. It typically uses a large cylindrical tube (usually made of foam or plastic) and can help relieve muscle tightness, soreness, and improve joint range of motion. It can be an…